Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010 in Fort Collins

Chris and Lockey were in charge of the bean bag toss at the church party. Thomas, a soccer player, and Jacob, a tiger, were helping out. Lockey went as a nurse and Ian as a robot. He won first prize.

Jacob was a knight at Chris' office party. Much of his outfit had been removed before the evening was over.

The tiger, Eli, was exhausted before Trick or Treating even began.

Ian and friends on the stage at the church Halloween party.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Great Grandchildren 2010

Euphrates and Adelaide all dressed up for Halloween. Their grandpa Kurt is in the background.

Grandson Kyle with his youngest Jeremy Alexander, ten months old.

Justin Patrick Krieger, aged four, tries out his new red car.

Euphie and Addie by the new bookcase wall that Kurt and Terry built.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall in Colorado 2010

The yellow leaves in front of my apartment.
The yard from my side window.

The leaves are falling from all the trees near my home, the mums are all in bloom, and a little red is showing in the vines. How I love autumn. There are very few maples growing here so I don't have the red color that is evident in other areas.

There are many berries on the trees and bushes. Blue junipers and red huckleberries are abundant in the area. The birds flock to the trees and the big grey squirrels go leaping through the near-by trees.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Summer in Salt Lake 2010

After returning from Steamboat Springs we spent some time in Salt Lake. We enjoyed the gardens, Mike and McKean ran a half marathon, and we enjoyed visiting. Mike's gardens are beautiful and I enjoyed spending time in them. We also went to a Farmer's Market and saw several movies.

Summer in Steamboat Springs

This massive moose looked over the river at the art fair in Steamboat Springs. Fort Collins had a number of exhibits of life animals including the hawks, raptors, rams, eagles, etc.

This ram is the mascot at Colorado State University and appears in many parades and fairs.

As the sun came up the balloons began climbing into the sky. First they touched down on the water and then rose into the sky racing toward the finish mark. The colors were beautiful and intermingled with one another.

The balloon fest began early in the morning and everyone had on hats and coats and stood drinking coffee and cocoa. It was well worth while to see the participants preparing their balloons for launching.

Sande, McKean, and I spent part of August in Steamboat Springs. We went to a rodeo, a balloon race, an art show and Farmers' Market. The weather was beautiful and we tried out some new restaurants. The balloon race was spectacular and we enjoyed watching them land in the water and take off again.

Camping in Wyoming

In August we went camping in Wyoming. We slept in tents that were already set up for the girls' camp. We saw deer, lots of ground squirrels, and some cute little chipmunks.

Ian, Thomas, and I had one tent. Chris, Lockey, and the two younger boys had their own.

Ian, Thomas, and Jacob did some construction work at the campground. Here they are adding logs and poles to make a tepee.

The Boys Fishing in Colorado

The boys and Lockey and I went fishing at City Park and at Troutman ponds.

Ian and Thomas both caught bluegills-catch and release-and I caught a big crawdad.

Jacob had just gotten a fishing pole for his birthday and he was able to cast for a long distance.

We used big nightcrawlers, minnows, salmon eggs, and lures for bait. The nightcrawlers were four inches long and were imported from Canada.

We had such a fun time on our first fishing trip. Hope we can go again soon.

It was a beautiful summer day so we took a picnic lunch. The boys were more interested in fishing than eating.